We are finding that in this new season at Cole in which we have minimal staff to manage the same necessary day-to-day tasks, that we are in need of assistance to do it more efficiently and timely. Because of this, the elders would like to propose something new to the body here at Cole. We would like to commission deacons as described in 1 Timothy 3 and Acts 6.

We feel that appointing deacons over certain ministry areas would greatly benefit the elders and the church body in managing and engaging with those ministries. Some of the areas of ministry that we feel a deacon would be beneficial are:

  • Church Library
  • Church Kitchen
  • Sunday Morning Prep
  • Outside Grounds Care
  • Men’s Ministry
  • Women’s Ministry
  • Worship Coordination

There are a lot of people at Cole who are already functioning as deacons in these areas but have not been formally recognized. Other areas will need a deacon put in place. We feel that if deacons are formally recognized and utilized that many day-to-day needs could be resolved before coming to the elders. A mid-level of organization would benefit the elders and help the body by streamlining ministry decisions and responsibilities.

If you have any questions in regards to this proposed change please let the elder’s know.