The highest expression of one’s relationship and dependence on God, prayer is our lifeline. We are meant to be in ongoing and daily conversation with our Creator, and we seek to couple our prayer with the discipline of fasting so we are wholly-focused and  reminded of our humble position before Him.

This January, will you join your church body in 21 days of corporate prayer and fasting as we begin 2022? We want God to speak in and through us about His will and direction for Cole Community Church. 


Pick up a prayer journal in the back of the sanctuary on January 9 to follow along with us. Be sure you’re following our Cole Community pages on Facebook and/or Instagram for daily encouragement as well!

Why Should I Fast?

Fasting facilitates a deeper sense of intimacy with God and allows God to reveal our weaknesses because we are fully relying on Him. Overall, fasting is an act of worship and a way to ask God to move powerfully in our lives and world. 

What Kind of Fasting Should I Do?

It’s really up to you, but fasting is meant to be an act of worship because you are making a sacrifice. You don’t have to give up food and/or drink, but we recommend chatting with your healthcare provider if needed. Here are four common types of fasting.

  • no food or drink
  • no food
  • the “Daniel Fast” (See Daniel 1:12-13, 10: 3)
  • the nonfood fast
What Day Are We Starting/Ending?

We’ll kick-off our Prayer and Fasting on Sunday, January 9 by explaining our heart and purpose for this powerful endeavor as a church body. Day 1 will officially be Monday, January 10, and we’ll end on Sunday, January 30. A night of worship is planned for January 30 at 6:30pm to mark the end of our praying and fasting. 

8 Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. 9 Be wretched and mourn and weep. Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom. 10 Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you.

James 4:8-10