Cole Community Church
LTT Recommendations
January 2022

The following recommendations and suggestions are humbly submitted to the Elders of Cole Community Church by the Leadership Transition Team (LTT) in preparation for the meeting with Staff Leadership Team, Elders, and LTT on Thursday, January 27, 2022. Having already committed to transparency with the congregation, the LTT asks that these full recommendations be shared with the congregation.

There are 21 recommendations divided between 7 general categories: LTT – Team Charter

  • Communication Strategy
  • Elder Council
  • Lead Teaching Pastor
  • Leadership Development and Health
  • Mission, Values, and Strategic Direction
  • Other

The elders’ response to the recommendations has been added under each category in BROWN.


LTT – Team Charter

1. We recommend the Elders officially extend the LTT charter by commissioning the LTT to work through the end of February, 2022 so that the recommendations in this document (and possible subsequent recommendations if necessary) are considered legitimate and valid.

The charter has been extended to the end of February.

Communication Strategy

2. We recommend Julie Turner build a “Communication Advisory Team” of 5 – 7 people (including key staff, Elders, and advisors) to provide on-going guidance and support to the internal and external communication of Cole and that Kellie Phillips be a member of the team.

a. This team would be a resource for Cole leadership and operate with no formal authority of its own.

b. This team could be brought into any digital, print, or physical communication to ensure it is effective and consistent.

We support the idea of having a Communication Advisory team, there is one currently in place now.

 3. We recommend one Elder be designated as the communication officer (much like a “treasurer” or a “secretary” role). This Elder would be responsible for determining what can be communicated with the church body regularly. He would work with the SLT and Julie’s communication team to place updates into existing communication structures. Additionally, this person would develop messaging for regular Church Family Meetings and Drop-In Sessions. Duties would include:

a. Meeting monthly with the Communication Team

b. Scheduling quarterly drop-in Listening Sessions for the Elders

c. Scheduling/planning Church Family Meetings at least twice a year

We support that an elder should be part of the Communication Advisory Team so good communication happens between the team and the elders.

4. We recommend that the Elders host quarterly drop-in meetings that are open for the body to connect with them.

a. Consider alternating these in person and on Zoom. Consider 1-hour sessions at the end of your regularly scheduled meeting times with no agenda. Think of these as listening sessions where you interact with the church body to hear their hearts.

We support the idea of regularly scheduled meetings with the body at Cole and that the Communication Team be responsible for helping create the agenda.  This should be an informal time to positively distribute information.  If the congregation has a disagreement or concern, they should come directly to an elder to voice that concern.

5. As the LTT conclude their role and function, we recommend that the Elders and LTT consider co-hosting a time for the congregation to gather in February to discuss recommendations, next steps and answer questions.

We support the idea of recognizing the work that the LTT has accomplished and thanking them for that work, also sharing what the next steps will be.  This should happen in March.

Elder Council

6. We believe that Asher Sarjent would be an effective Elder and suggest he be given immediate consideration given his role, influence, and leadership at Cole today.

We are considering the suggestion/advisement to include Asher and other recommended candidates to be part of the elder board.  We do want to be sensitive to the staff/lay elder ratio.

7. We recommend that by the end of 2022, Art, Ron, Steve, and Duane work with the elders to build an accelerated succession plan (e.g. – 12 months or shorter) so they can transition off the elder board in a helpful and honorable manner, passing the baton and making room for new Elders.

The elders agree with developing a transition plan by the end of 2022 for all current and future elders. The current elders would like to develop an effective and biblical process for on-boarding new elders and off-boarding long standing elders in such a way that there are adequate numbers of elders at all times. This process would allow elders to transition off the board in a helpful and honorable manner.

8. We recommend a working team be developed of 5 – 7 Elders and non-Elders with the purpose of rebuilding the elder training and development materials currently found in the “Elder Booklet.” This team would be empowered to provide specific recommendations to the elders for approval and adoption.

a. We recommend this working team address the following items:

i. Create a “leadership fundamentals” section which speaks to basic team health, communication, emotional intelligence, and other leadership best-practices that any elder should reflect and model.

 ii. Include a more robust definition for the role of Elder per the newly approved and implemented leadership model. Possible language to consider below:

The Elders are a team of equals who function as the key oversight for Cole. Their primary role and function includes:

1. Modeling the values and mission of the church.

2. Praying for the spiritual and physical well-being of the membership.

3. Defending the unity of the church by shepherding the congregation through issues that could cause division.

4. Protecting theological convictions and standards.

5. Supporting and holding accountable the senior staff leadership.

6. Providing high-level oversight to the operational and financial health of the church, working through the Lead Pastor and Staff Leadership Team.

7. Ensuring an intentional and healthy process exists to identify, call, and develop new Elders.

8. Committing to lead and communicate with a high degree of professionalism, integrity, and emotional intelligence when giving and receiving critical feedback and/or navigating disagreements.

iii. By the Fall of 2022, develop a more robust annual process for identifying, calling, and affirming Elders. This process should review and give consideration to the following themes and topics:

1. A more robust interview and qualification process for new Elder selection that mitigates the limitations and weaknesses of what we perceive to be a “personal recruitment” and “self-affirmation of calling” model and process.

2. Term limits. We suggest elders consider not having indefinite terms of service.

3. Some form of annual reaffirmation process for sitting Elders to avoid any presumption or automatic renewal of call.

 iv. Create guard-rails that avoid the potential for “family conflicts of interest” in leadership at Cole to avoid any future concerns or perceptions of nepotism.

The elders agree that a working committee be established with the goal of updating and refining our process of developing potential elders, clarifying the elder role and strengthening our elder on-boarding and off-boarding process.  The elders would like to enter into this task when we have a full elder board in place including the lead teaching pastor. We project being able to start in the fall of 2022.

9. We recommend building a simple digital resource (e.g. – Google docs or Google file) for addressing important theological and/or cultural topics of relevance to Cole.

a. This resource should run consistent with the current position-papers and provide “one stop shopping” for insight into Cole’s position on key issues of significance including:

i. The Gospel and Justice

ii. Sexuality and Gender

iii. Women in Leadership

1. We suggest clarifying Cole’s position on women as teaching pastors and Growth Group leaders.

iv. Etc.

The elders agree that a digital resource would be valuable, with the recognition that some items should be password protected for access only by people who attend Cole.

Lead Teaching Pastor

10. We recommend that the Staff Leadership Team be empowered to develop a V.1 job description for this role as soon as possible for Elder refinement and approval.

The Staff Leadership Team along with input from the elders has developed a job description for the Lead Teaching Pastor.

11. We recommend building a robust hiring process for this role that can be published in February. This would include adequate connection of final candidates with staff to ensure fit and chemistry with leadership beyond elders alone, and the development of a marketing plan to recruit this pastor.

The Staff Leadership Team has been tasked with setting up the hiring process for this position.  The actual screening for this position will be accomplished by the Pastoral Search Committee.

12. We recommend creating a hiring team whether working with an external hiring firm or not and suggest the elders consider including as much diversity of age, gender, insight, and perspective as possible. Members of the existing LTT would be helpful to consider.

We are currently in the process of creating the Lead Pastor Search Committee.

13. We recommend a goal be set of having this position hired and on-ramped before the end of Summer 2022.

Our desire is that this key position would be filled by the fall of 2022 but recognize the importance of getting the best candidate and taking the needed time and process to make it happen.

 Leadership Development and Health

14. Clarify decision making by ensuring clear and consistent policy and process support all leadership decision-making at Cole.

a. Consider using a resource like RACI or RAPID in this process.

b. This process should address the following:

i. Who gets to make what decisions (elder / staff / Other)?

ii. How are Elder decisions made?

iii. When are key decisions communicated; and to whom?

iv. Can decisions be appealed or overturned?

c. Include this process in Elder training materials.

The elders believe it will be key for the Lead Teaching Pastor to be part of this discussion and will move forward with this recommendation when he is in place.

15. We recommend the Elders, alongside the Staff Leadership Team, work with an outside coach to build a leadership development framework for 2022.

a. This should bring the Elders and Staff Leadership Team together to grow in the following dynamics of healthy team-building leadership:

i. Decision Making (per 5.1 above)

ii. Building and Sustaining Trust

iii. Being A Cohesive Team VS a Dysfunctional Team

iv. Giving and Receiving Critical Feedback

The elders believe it will be key for the Lead Teaching Pastor to be part of this discussion and will move forward with this recommendation when he is in place.

16. Given Ted Vaughn’s familiarity with Cole and experience coaching church leadership teams, we suggest the Elders consider working with him in this capacity over 2022; however, more important than working with Ted is working with someone who brings church leadership perspective, insight, and training to this team of Elders.

The elders agree that working together with the Staff Leadership Team and the Pastors on leadership development is an important work to engage. As the participation of the new Lead Teaching Pastor will be of critical importance in leading the staff and the church going forward, the elders will wait until that person is on-board before launching into this work. Decisions regarding the use of an outside consultant will be made at that time.

Mission, Values, and Strategic Direction

17. We suggest Ted Vaughn continue the scope of work he was hired to do in 2021, including:

a. Articulating a new statement of mission and driving values. This work will drive future communication/marketing work as the SLT updates visual and messaging updates (See recommendation 7.2).

The elders have started the process of reviewing Cole’s Vision, Mission, and Core Ministry Principles. This review will be conducted with input from the elders, pastors, and people from the body. The elders believe that the resources exist within the Cole body to do the work that is required to state these important goals and values in a manner that provides clear and compelling guidance for Cole going forward.

18. We suggest a steering team be created to spearhead this work with Ted and include members of staff leadership and/or LTT in addition to Elders.

The elders agree that a working group should be established to engage in the work described in Recommendation 17. This group should include elders, staff leadership, and people from the Cole body.


19. We recommend the Elders revisit and clarify the role of membership at Cole given current inconsistencies between what is written and what is practiced.

Legacy language exists in our Constitution and By-Laws that refers to Membership. These inconsistencies with our practice need to be reviewed and clarified. At the same time, it would be good to consider the role that membership might have at Cole and align our governing documents and our practice in accordance with what will be best for Cole going forward.

20. Given the season of new birth happening at Cole, we suggest the Staff Leadership Team be empowered to update the visual identity and messaging of Cole so that, from print to digital, Cole’s visual identity makes a more accurate, consistent, and compelling impression that is aligned with its mission and values.

a. This would include updating the following:

i. Visual Identity

ii. Website

iii. Social Media

iv. Print & Digital Materials

The elders agree that it is important to continually update our public visual identity and messaging outlets in order to clearly and accurately represent Cole’s mission and values.  We invite the Senior Leadership Team to develop their plan for accomplishing this recommendation and any specific goals. We look forward to reviewing this plan with the Senior Leadership team and empowering them to accomplish any agreed upon plan.

21. We suggest that Cole’s leadership continue to proactively communicate its commitment to the Gospel and to remaining politically neutral and to being a lighthouse that engages culture in humble and helpful ways that model Jesus’ love.

We will continue to proactively communicate Cole’s commitment to the Gospel and to God’s Word and to remaining politically neutral and to engage culture in humble and helpful ways that model Jesus’ love.

Suggestions and Recommendations November 5, 2021

1.0 – The LTT suggests there be a steady drip of messaging from the platform regarding Cole’s unchanging theological convictions and model of elder governance and oversight.

1:1 – The LTT is not making changes, nor are they empowered to make changes, to these core attributes of Cole’s foundation. 

1:2 – We also suggest Cole proactively message its commitment to the Gospel and to remaining politically neutral and to being a lighthouse that engages culture in humble and helpful ways that model Jesus’ love.

2:0 – The LTT recommends that 3 – 5 men be nominated as elders for a 12-month period with the option to renew calling at the end of 2022. 

2:1 – This would allow a wider group of elders to address LTT recommendations during Q1 of 2022.

2:2 – The LTT recommends using the attached recruitment process and timeline.

2:3 – The LTT recommends the elders consider this group of men. (Note: Names were submitted to the Elders and will be released to the congregation before final appointment.)

3.0 – The LTT suggests a congregational gathering be considered before the end of 2021 to update the congregation on the work accomplished thus far including many of the recommendations above. This would be an opportunity to intentionally communicate the following:

    • Transition
    • New leadership model
    • New elder process
    • Mission and values process
    • Reinforce Cole essentials
    • This would also be an opportunity to interact with the body

4.0 – The LTT recommends the Mission and Values process kick-off as soon as possible in 2021 and be a process that involves wide-input from staff and key leaders working through a steering team who submit final ideas to the elders for approval along with a suggested congregational launch plan.

The Elder Board received and approved all recommendations without change.


A Note from the LTT:

Change is to be expected in this season. As Cole further defines who it is as a church body, it is normal for people to come or go accordingly. Similarly, Laura Greener has decided to step off of the Leadership Transition Team. Her contributions and input were highly valued, and she will be missed on this team. Laura has invited those who have specific questions for her about this decision to approach her individually.


LTT Recommendation October 4, 2021

In order to elevate the role and focus of the Elder Board, the Leadership Transition Team has recommended immediate interim changes to the staff structure through the creation of an Interim Executive Team. This team will have a regular connection with the Elder Board and seek to protect the operational health of the church and the relational health of its leadership. 

1:1 – An Interim Executive Team be formed to give leadership to the staff including:

    • Steve Evans, Executive Director of Staff & Operations
    • Julie Turner, Executive Director of Worship & Communications
    • Asher Sarjent, Executive Director of Ministries

 1:2 – This Interim Executive Team will remain in place until a new leadership model is approved and implemented. At the appropriate time (as determined by elders and senior staff leadership) the Interim Executive Team will be evaluated and restructured into something more formal for the next season of leadership.

 1:3 – The Interim Executive Team provide all staff supervision and management, allowing elders to elevate their role and focus on higher level oversight and leadership of Cole. Elders will no longer play a formal role in the direct supervision and/or management of staff. Any elder and staff relationship will be for encouragement and/or ministry support but without formal lines of authority or supervision. It will be vitally important elders and staff avoid triangulation or other forms of inappropriate and unhelpful communication.

 1:4 – The following members of the Interim Executive Team have their compensation reviewed and adjusted (confidential to elders) to honor their increased responsibility and to ensure internal equity:

    • Julie Turner, Executive Director of Worship & Communications
    • Asher Sarjent, Executive Director of Ministries

 1:5 – The Interim Executive Team has regular connection with the elders (frequency TBD) with the goal of working together to protect the operational health of the church and relational health of its leadership.

The Elder Board received and approved all recommendations without change on 10/5/21.