May 28 Lead Teaching Pastor Update

The Lord has blessed us with several promising applicants for the Lead Teaching Pastor position, and the Search Committee has begun conducting online video conference interviews with them.  After all online interviews have been completed, the committee will send its...
Spiritual Foundations

Spiritual Foundations

As we look toward 2022 and what God has for us, we can be assured of one thing: For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. Romans...


Steadfast – Resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering, immovable, unchangeable, irrefutable, unalterable As we continue to work through the future vision for Cole Community Church, the one thing I am continually reminded of is God’s steadfastness.   His plan...
Some of My Favorites

Some of My Favorites

Some of My Favorites  Cole has been my church home for most of my adult life, and it has been the home to many people that have mentored me as I’ve grown in my walk with Christ. When I think of our mission to “equip the disciples,” I think of how they invested in me...
It’s OK to Have Feelings

It’s OK to Have Feelings

During this time of transition, I have felt at times great moments of hope and courage, and other moments of discouragement, even despair. Sometimes when it is hard, I look at how my fictional heroes have dealt with transition. I’m doing my Fall read through of...