Cole Creative

Thank you for taking your time to learn more about the worship ministry at Cole Community Church! Cole Creative is a ministry that includes band, vocals, media, lights, and sound teams. We want to be authentic people that, by God’s Spirit, are making disciples of Jesus Christ. We strive to be a team that is FUN, authentic, and relational with one another.

There are some expectations that come along with being a part of a ministry at the church. Everyone on the team is a part of leading the church body in worship. Below are some basic expectations to get a better idea of Cole Creative: 

1. A relationship with Jesus. We feel that to be able to lead others in worship it is important that everyone serving within Cole Creative has a relationship with Jesus and are striving to grow in that relationship.

2. Musical Ability.  We believe in giving our best to God with the gifts that He has blessed us with.  We want to have excellent music. This is an important value to us as we want to minister to the believer and reach the un-churched.  Giving God our excellence can be a huge witness to someone who doesn’t know Jesus. 

Band & Vocalists – We invite anyone to apply for a role within the Cole Creative ministry, but not everyone can be on the platform on Sunday morning. If you are a novice singer or new to an instrument, that’s awesome! We want to hear your story and get to know you and encourage you. However, the platform will be reserved for vocalists and instrumentalists that have reached a certain skill level and experience. Of course, experience is not required to participate but it generally seems like skill level grows with the amount of experience you’ve had to hone your craft. We play a lot of different styles of songs and music but lean toward the modern contemporary worship style. If you’re a specialist in a certain type of style or instrument, we want to know about it! Just keep in mind that the majority of the songs we sing are contemporary in style much like you would hear on the radio. 

Vocalists – We want to be worship leaders that help usher people into an encounter with Jesus. In order to do that, we try to eliminate distractions. We’ve found that having the proper vocal mixes on stage is crucial and we want singers to feel like they “fit” and have a place with their voice. The melody of the song is more than likely going to be led by the worship leader so we rely heavily on our vocalists to be able to lock in harmonies and support the lead melody. Experience on stage often leads to comfort on stage. Stage presence is important to us because we feel it helps make the congregation feel comfortable and welcome to participate in worship WITH us. A vocalist on the team is not only a melody singer but may be asked to lead a song or sing the melody as a lead part in the service. We LOVE doing this and the congregation loves it as well.


After you have completed this application you will be contacted by Julie Turner, the worship pastor at Cole Community Church.  

Band Applicants:  You will be contacted to schedule a get-to-know you meeting with Michael Seals (Interim Worship Leader) at the church, and a date to audition during one of our weekly rehearsals. Prior to your audition you’ll get all the details for a song or two to learn. You will want to rehearse your parts as on the recording of the song. On your scheduled evening you will jump in with the other band members to play the song with them. This is a really fun time for us all to play together and have the chance to get to know one another. 

Vocal Applicants: You will be contacted to schedule a get-to-know you meeting with Michael Seals (Interim Worship Leader) at the church and a date to audition during one of our weekly rehearsals. You will be sent a worship song that we sing here at Cole Community to learn the melody as well as the harmony parts. When we start rehearsal you’ll jump in with the band and sing with us! We have a great time doing this and want you to feel welcomed. 

Production/Sound: You will be contacted to schedule a get-to-know you meeting with Michael Seals (Interim Worship Leader)  at the church and a date for a training session during one of our weekly rehearsals.  This will be an opportunity for you to become familiar with the production equipment we currently utilize each week and to become familiar with our weekly systems and processes in order to determine if it will be a great fit for both you and the production team.

Thank you for taking your time to read through all of this information!If you’re ready to continue the process, please take a few minutes to fill out the information below. When you’re all finished click “Submit” and you’ll be contacted soon.  Again, thank you for taking your time to complete the Cole Creative application!