Join us for a family-friendly Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at Cole Community Church as we celebrate the birth of our Savior together. We’ll enjoy carols, the telling of the Christmas story, and a short message from Pastor Dave Gibson.
Dave Gibson began his sojourn 70 years ago in He Dog, South Dakota and from there has visited all 50 states, 43 countries, and all the continents. Dave has been a wheat harvester, a fry cook, a freight dock worker, a professional forester, a Bible college teacher, a pastor and an international missionary. He holds a BS in Forestry, a ThM in Bible, and a DMin in Preaching. He is now retired and lives in Eagle, Idaho with Kathi, his wife of 48 years. They have three grown children and 10 grandchildren. Dave invests his time in family, friends, ministry, woodworking, camping, hunting, travel, writing, and the daily pursuit of God. Dave has released two books: Travel Required: 90 Days of Worry and In My Father’s Wake: How an Anxious Boy Learned to Love a Difficult Dad. Both books are available on Amazon.
Note: We will not have Christmas morning church service on Sunday, December 25.