Have a question? Use our weekly Slido to ask it so everyone can see it! Answers will be published here on this Q+A page for all to see.

Ask your question on Slido

Slido is an interactive platform that allows you to ask your question and publish it so that others can see what you are asking as well. Participants have the ability to like questions by “upvoting” them so that we’re sure to answer the most popular questions. We’ve created a new Slido for each week. Use the links to the side to get our question posted, and be sure to find an archive or questions with their answers below.

Question Archive

Can we use the same version of the Bible for the reader and slide?

Absolutely! That is our intention each week, but we flubbed. Apologies on that.

When will the lobby be done?

Thank you for bearing with our work in progress! We know it’s loud, and it’s been a long time coming. Signage, acoustic paneling, furniture, and the coffee bar are still coming. We hope to wrap that all up this fall.