

Adding acoustic padding, removing black construction paper backdrops, installing the new projector, new stage carpet

Berean Room / Library

Paint walls and trim. General repairs (blinds, sconces, cabinets) and moving in the Library to prepare for lobby flooring.

Fireside Room

New flooring, paint room, sound upgrades, window improvements.

Lobby Floor

New concrete flooring for main lobby, hallway, and library.

Volunteer Work Days

If you can help us prepare for these facility upgrades, we’d gladly let you! Here are some dates we’ve set aside for these larger projects. 

Berean Room Work Days

JULY 8 –  12

 These work days will include things like repairing the wall sconce, removing broken blinds and felt board casings, clearing out cupboards, painting trim and walls, and cleaning the carpet.

Moving the Library

JULY  15 – 19

 These work days will include things like moving bookcases, carefully packing books, reshelving them, and creating a portable unit for library workers.

Fireside Room Work Days

JULY 15 – 27

 These work days will include things removing wall pillars and white boards, storing decor/crosses, readying to paint, ripping up carpet, rolling out and adhering the new flooring.