The Only Person Who Likes Change is a Baby with a Wet Diaper

“The only person who likes change is a baby with a wet diaper.”
Mark Twain

I can attest from my own experience that Twain’s humorous quote doesn’t always hold true. My year-and-a-half old granddaughter hates getting her diaper changed and puts up a big stink (pun intended) whenever the task has to take place. It’s a bit hard to figure out … she’s messy but doesn’t welcome getting changed? No matter though, it will get better with time and this period of her life will be but a memory (ours, not hers!). So why do I relate this to you? Well, because it reminds me a bit of what we’re experiencing at Cole Community Church right now.

Things are messy at the moment and will probably continue to be so for a while. We’re uncomfortable with what we’re going through, and we’re human and can get discouraged and fussy about it.

So, here’s a puzzle for you: With things the way they are right now, why am I so encouraged and positive about CCC’s future and about being part of the Leadership Transition Team? Here are my top four reasons, shared in hopes of encouraging you too.

1. Above all, because I know that our God is completely sovereign and that nothing takes place outside of His perfect will! Need I say more? (Ephesians 1:11)

2. I can’t even begin to tell you how encouraged I am to work with the other eight members of the LTT! Ours is a diverse group of very bright people (I try my best to keep up with them) of different ages that are doctrinally sound and keenly focused on supplying excellent recommendations to the elders that will enable CCC to function better for our Lord, the staff, our church body and the Kingdom.

3. Each and every one of the LTT members has expressed often just how much he or she loves this church body! For this reason, the work this team is doing is focused on the Lord and our church family — and this deep care and concern are plainly evident in our meetings.

4. Last but not least, our church body is a huge encouragement for me! Why? Because I’ve seen over the years the fervent love you all (“ya’ll” if you’re Courtney) have for the Lord and for each other. And as we all know…love never fails! (1 Cor. 13:8)

So please be encouraged and be a Barnabas and encourage others! If you have any questions please seek out and ask one of the LTT members and they’d be glad to answer them for you.


“The only person who likes change is a baby with a wet diaper.”
Mark Twain

I can attest from my own experience that Twain’s humorous quote doesn’t always hold true. My year-and-a-half old granddaughter hates getting her diaper changed and puts up a big stink (pun intended) whenever the task has to take place. It’s a bit hard to figure out … she’s messy but doesn’t welcome getting changed? No matter though, it will get better with time and this period of her life will be but a memory (ours, not hers!). So why do I relate this to you? Well, because it reminds me a bit of what we’re experiencing at Cole Community Church right now.

Things are messy at the moment and will probably continue to be so for a while. We’re uncomfortable with what we’re going through, and we’re human and can get discouraged and fussy about it.

So, here’s a puzzle for you: With things the way they are right now, why am I so encouraged and positive about CCC’s future and about being part of the Leadership Transition Team? Here are my top four reasons, shared in hopes of encouraging you too.

1. Above all, because I know that our God is completely sovereign and that nothing takes place outside of His perfect will! Need I say more? (Ephesians 1:11)

2. I can’t even begin to tell you how encouraged I am to work with the other eight members of the LTT! Ours is a diverse group of very bright people (I try my best to keep up with them) of different ages that are doctrinally sound and keenly focused on supplying excellent recommendations to the elders that will enable CCC to function better for our Lord, the staff, our church body and the Kingdom.

3. Each and every one of the LTT members has expressed often just how much he or she loves this church body! For this reason, the work this team is doing is focused on the Lord and our church family — and this deep care and concern are plainly evident in our meetings.

4. Last but not least, our church body is a huge encouragement for me! Why? Because I’ve seen over the years the fervent love you all (“ya’ll” if you’re Courtney) have for the Lord and for each other. And as we all know…love never fails! (1 Cor. 13:8)

So please be encouraged and be a Barnabas and encourage others! If you have any questions please seek out and ask one of the LTT members and they’d be glad to answer them for you.
