Dan & Monica Zoom


All are invited to a meeting with Dan and Monica to pray for them and hear ministry updates! Register below to receive the Zoom link.

Morocco Earthquake Fund

Cole Community Church 8775 Ustick Road Boise, ID 83704, Boise, ID, United States

Morocco experienced a severe earthquake on September 15, and our global outreach workers Allan and Patricia Matamoros have worked with a growing community of Muslim-background believers and Latin American global […]

Manning Vision Lunch

Fireside Room 8775 Ustick Road, Boise, ID, United States

You are invited to Tom and Melissa Manning's Vision Lunch on Sunday, Sept. 24 beginning at 11:30 a.m. in the Fireside Room. Come hear a report on their recent trip to […]

Matamoros Vision Lunch

Fireside Room 8775 Ustick Road, Boise, ID, United States

Bienvenidos! You are very welcome to come hear Allan and Patricia Matamoros at their Vision Lunch. They will be sharing with us what is going on in the Muslim world […]

Priscilla Matamoros Vision Lunch

Fireside Room 8775 Ustick Road, Boise, ID, United States

Priscilla Matamoros is coming to Boise and you are invited to join her Vision Lunch on November 5 (next Sunday), 11:30 am in the Fireside Room. She shared her ministry […]

Catalyze Conference 2023

You are invited to the Catalyze Conference, a Frontiers-sponsored intensive three-day experience to equip you with practical missional skills to share Jesus with Muslim friends and to learn about going […]